If you’re feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or fatigued, here are some explanations and, more importantly, some solutions.
Category: Astrology
Astrological dates to be aware of in 2019
All dates and times are Pacific Time Zone 1/5 (well, we missed that, but it’s on my list,so I’m including it): Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (Magnified New Moon) 1/20: Lunar Eclipse in Leo (Magnified Full Moon 10:16pm – Full Wolf Moon), Supermoon 1/22: Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter 2/3: Astrological Imbolc 2/4: New Moon in…
A perfect time to change
Mars (action), Jupiter (expansion), Saturn (foundation, structure, boundaries), and Neptune (dream time, imagination) are all in their home signs.
New Moon and More – astrological energies this week
New Moon in Scorpio at 15° 11/7/18 8:01am Pacific Sun in Scorpio Jupiter (sign of expansion) moves into it’s “home” sign of Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years We’re firmly in the pre-shadow of Mercury retrograde Saturn is in its own sign, Capricorn; Neptune in own sign, Pisces; Venus in her own sign,…
Heads up: Incoming solar activity again!
This note about solar activity came through my inbox today: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere, now directly facing Earth. A stream of solar wind escaping from the opening is expected to reach our planet during the late hours of Nov. 3rd, likely sparking minor G1-class geomagnetic storms…
Guest Blogger Madeline Rose on Pluto Retrograde
On a grand scale, this transit is manifesting through the collapsing of our government, our economy and even our relationship to the Earth
Remember that you have a choice
Use September’s Full Moon for empowerment
Powering Your Equinox Projects with the Sun
Every Autumnal Equinox, cracks appear in the Earth’s magnetic field. Use the energy to your advantage!
Stay alert, rapid change may be afoot
This weekend brings the New Moon in Virgo (12:02pm Pacific on Sunday 9/9/18). I will point out that there is a triple nine aspect to this new moon, although technically it’s 9-9-11 (which is also fascinating). Either way, there’s a strong “leveling up” energy inherent in this New Moon. Endings of mundane cycles and beginnings…
Solar Eclipse in Leo. Oh yeah, it’s also a New Moon.
It was supposed to be a New Moon post, but the Sun got in the way, which is exactly the opposite of observable astronomical fact.
Frustration, anxiety, and anger during Mars/Mercury retrograde
Mercury and Mars retrograde can make us feel especially powerless. Here are some tools for shifting that.
New Moon in Cancer & first eclipse of the season!
Tonight: Solar Eclipse New Moon @ 20 Cancer at 7:48pm Pacific First the jargon: It’s a partial eclipse, not viewable from North America, and happens at the same time that the Moon goes Void of Course. Mars is conjunct the South Node. The Moon is exactly opposite Pluto in Capricorn. There is a Water Grand…