Meditation for the New Moon

I realize it’s a little late at night, but I got busy today and wasn’t back in the office until after 6pm. In any event, here’s a guided meditation for this month’s New Moon in Cancer. As I said in the notes on You Tube, this one is actually suitable for doing as you drift…

As I Wind Through the Virtual World of the Web

…these were the links that caught my eye to share with you… Photographer creates stunning images of Orisha Insect magic and folklore Weeding as a magical working Grief: A Working of Love July Horoscopes from Damanhur A Ritual to Stimulate Creativity (spoiler alert: it’s one of mine)

The Gibbous Moon

This is I’ve been taking Dana Gerhardt’s Moon Workshop for the last 9 months, and occasionally things really jump out at me. Welcome to my brain. This is an interesting moon phase. We’re almost at Full Moon, but not quite. There’s a bit of senioritis to it for a lot of people. Are we there…

Solar Flares and Terrorism?

There was a big ol’ solar flare that, according to the scientists, missed the earth. All that really means is that it didn’t affect radio waves and satellites. It still affects us, although not as severely. It happened at 1:30 UTC 6/18, which means 8:30pm last night on the east coast. The terrorist enterest Emanuel…

Wakey-wakey, lil Sun…

SpaceWeather informs me: NOAA forecasters have boosted the odds of an M-class flare today to 30%. The reasons are Sunspots AR2367 and AR2360, which are growing with unstable magnetic fields that harbor energy for M-class solar flares. At the moment, both active regions are crackling with low-level C-class flares. It may be just a matter of time before…

Invisible Meteor Showers

This came from SpaceWeather today: Earth is entering a stream of debris from an unknown comet, and this is causing one of the most intense meteor showers of the year.  Ironically, most sky watchers won’t notice because the shower peaks in broad daylight.  We only know it’s happening because a radar in Canada is picking…

Another video blog?!

Actually, the shorter ones (meditations and such) will probably just get posted to my Patreon account going forward. In the meantime, enjoy!

Full Moon Breathing Meditation

If you feel like you’re fighting with the current energies, you can do this simple breathing exercise daily for the next 3-5 days to help synch your energy to the energies of the moon.

Empower Your Calendar

I noticed that my calendar was telling me the the Ides of May were this upcoming weekend, and I couldn’t remember why I’d made a note of it, so I went puttering around the internet, like ya do, in search of more information. I still don’t know why I made a note of it, but…

Today is Astrological Beltane

Beltane is a cross-quarter celebration, meaning it’s halfway between an Equinox and a Solstice (the other cross-quarters are Samhain, Imbolc, and Lughnasadh or Lammas). As such, it is marked by astrological features rather than calendrical ones. People note its passing on the calendar because it’s easier for most people to think that way, but Beltane…

Weekly-ish Meander Through the Web

The blessings of Spring Change is coming.  Big, disruptive, irreversible change.  Dealing with it is going to be hard.  But this is why you picked up the wand in the first place. Get to work. Baba Yaga’s Guide to Feminism (humor) The 6 Metaphysical Laws About Friday’s Equinox On transforming regret…