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Ayamanatara, (c) 2019, Miles Actually, all rights reservedAyamanatara is a natural clairsentient who played in the woods with faeries as a young girl and has overcome great odds. As a teen, she read the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita, because she wanted to better understand the Universe. But she was haunted by darkness – she first contemplated suicide at age 10, and was hospitalized on her eighteenth birthday. Even so, she earned a degree in Politics before spiraling further into despair. At age 24, she had an epiphany, and walked away from drugs and alcohol, dedicating herself once more to better understanding the Universe. She had two successful careers, one in the music industry and the other in New Media, before finding her true path of healing and teaching.

Her challenges did not end there, though. Ayamanatara was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at age thirty-three, and spent years developing a diet and meditative practice that allows her to function despite great physical pain. That journey, like the others before it, has both forced her to deepen her relationship with the Divine, and given her a unique perspective on the challenges of others.

Ayamanatara, (c) 2019, Evan BallingerHer path of seeking has wound through folk magic from the four corners of the globe, numerous Shamanistic practices, Kabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition, and even intensive studies within the Abrahamic religions. Her practice today is a synthesis of all that she has studied, from a distinct Shamanistic viewpoint that honors the masculine and the feminine, with a focus on Empowerment, Community, and Equality. It is from that place that she designs her courses, creates custom ceremonies, writes her books, and works one-on-one with clients.

A guest lecturer at Southern California University of Health Sciences, she was the Resident Shaman at Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio, and has worked with Cliffside Malibu, Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, and The Crystal Matrix Center, among others; is the founder of both The Healing Alliance and Present; founding faculty member of Matrix International University; and is a member of the Society for Shamanic Practice, the American Botanical Council, the Sound Healers Association, the Sound Healing Research Foundation, Women of Wisdom, and the American Society of Dowsers.