February is a special month to me. Its length is variable and odd. It is the only month that has fewer than 30 days, and once every 4 years, it has more days than usual. For that alone, it stands out.
It begins with Imbolc or Oimelc, the first fertility festival, sacred to the Goddess Brid (also known as Brigid or Breo-Sayit), who became St Brigit to the Catholics and Maman Brigitte to the Haitians. To the Celts, she was the goddess of words and healing and smithcraft — in other words, the foundation of civilization. Her symbol is the Cauldron, her elements are Fire and Running Water. Imbolc became Candelmas, sacred to Mother Mary, and has today become Groundhog Day, when we let a rodent tell us how much more winter we can expect.
This year, February also contains Mardis Gras and, subsequently, the beginning of the Lenten season. The calendar I’m looking at right now, from a local restaurant who shall go unnamed, has these dates all messed up, but I’ve had them marked on my own calendar since last fall. Mardis Gras has become a festival of drunken debauchery, but it started out as a celebration of abundance. Ash Wednesday, the next day, begins the season of Lent, when Catholics are asked to give up something meaningful to them so that they might engage more consciously their daily struggle with their negative Ego (tho I’m sure it’s not put to them that way). In 2010, I wrote about a new movement, called Plent, that invites people to increase something good in their lives and to share it with others.
We are inching closer to Summer, when we are all going to be called to stand in our Truth, and the journey there can be arduous. Grounding and releasing, connecting consciously with the world around us, and investing ourselves in the idea of Community are all becoming increasingly important. When we forget or neglect this, we become edgy, uncomfortable, distracted. Your ability to be uncomfortable is, I’m sure, variable, but I would invite you to shift your focus and do those things which will bring you more into harmony with yourself and with the world around you. There is a meditation towards the end of this post that you might find useful.
Matrix International University continues its maiden trimester, and we are looking to the second trimester, which begins at the end of April. If you are interested in becoming a part of this amazing learning community, please check out the website or drop me a note.
I am also helping put together some community mediation trainings and efforts for some of the West Coast Occupy movements. I’d love to hear from more people who want to get involved.
Other events of note that are coming up:
Thursday, February 2nd, at 8:30pm, I will be offering a special evening of singing bowls in celebration of Imbolc, as part of The Crystal Matrix‘s 2012 series.
Wednesday, February 8th, Kenneally Acupuncture and Healing Light Resource Center is hosting my presentation on the Emotional Root Cause of Disease, as well as an afternoon of psychic readings, plus an evening of guided meditation on the 22nd. I strongly recommend making reservations for all of these events, please call them for more information.
I will be participating in The Crystal Matrix Center’s Psychic Faire on February 12th. Reservations are strongly encouraged, please call 323-644-7625.
Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio in Long Beach will be hosting two heart healing events this month – one with Aromatherapy and one as a Guided Meditation – as well as the monthly Heal Your Auric Vibration sound bath. Reservations are required, please contact them directly.
I will be at Pantheacon over Presidents’ Day Weekend, which I am very much looking forward to. I may be available for private sessions while I’m there, although my schedule is rather full.
New Moon Gathering will be on Monday the 20th; we have not yet settled on this month’s location. If you are interested in hosting, now or in the future, please let me know.
I will be offering a series of Labyrinth Walks, one in Bellflower on the 21st, and one on Ash Wednesday in Glendale.
In March, I will be doing an awakening and dedication ceremony for the Divine Feminine Altar at Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio, as well as my usual monthly events.
If you are feeling challenged by the changes in your life and need some help, I am available for private appointments in Long Beach, Canyon Country, and Atwater Village. We can talk about what’s going on for you and create a plan of action, as well as doing some healing. Don’t put it off, it’s only going to get more uncomfortable.
Consider adding this breathing meditation to your daily practice:
Inhale, slowly, deeply – The breath of Spirit moves in and out of your lungs, flowing and ebbing.
Exhale, slowly, fully – The breath of Spirit moves throughout your bodies, filtering through all of your organs, tissue, bones.
Repeat three times, and then allow your breathing to be. Allow yourself to just be.
The breath of Spirit circulates around you, stilling you, quieting you, lifting and lowering your consciousness into the very center of nothingness, darkness. Rest in this nothingness, this darkness of ghemrath.
I hope that helps you.
May the blessing of Brighid’s Mantle protect you and keep you from harm.
May the blessing of Brighid’s Well nourish your body and renew your spirit.
May the blessing of Brighid’s Fire burn brightly in you hearth and in your heart.
Brighid’s blessings upon you and yours now and forever more.