Incorporating Indian and Chinese treatments into our management of health issues, especially ones that effect the metabolism, can enhance our well-being. We should always consult our medical practitioners and and utilize their expertise, but Medical Doctors don’t always address all of the lifestyle and dietary changes that can be most beneficial. Bringing in the additional information helps us be empowered, and can actually increase the chances for successful treatment.
Ayruvedic (Indian) treatment for Type 2 Diabetes consists of dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as herbal preparations. Regular physical activity, breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation are often recommended (all reduce stress). Avoiding excess sweets, carbohydrates, domesticated meat, and dairy products is advised, as these may decrease a diabetic’s ability to digest their food effectively, creating problems in both metabolism and elimination of toxins from the body. Bitter melon, fresh, green, leafy vegetables, and spices such as cinnamon, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, tribulus, and gymnema are considered helpful.
Thanks to David Levine from American Botanical Council and his review of the article “Prameheda in Ayruveda: correlation with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes mellitus” in J Altern Complementary Medicine 7/17/2011, for the information.