Patterns and Toddlers and Throwbacks, oh my!

From my March Newsletter: an extensive forecast, a nursery rhyme, patterns of runes and numerology and astrology and some channeling, held together by Divine Love

by Anne Hope
March brings a strong wind, without a doubt,
Just look at me so blown about.
I have come out to fly my kite
And send it up to such a height
That if I let it go, you see,
The kite would sail away from me.
So I hold tight, then I am bound
To get it back, all safe and sound.

You know it’s been a certain kind of month when I feel the need to start a newsletter with a nursery rhyme.

Back in 2013 when we were cleaning out my Dad’s house, I came across a small, paperback book from my childhood called The Months of the Year and The Days of the Week. It sits on my desk. I don’t know why, it just does. Every once in a while I take it out and use it for something. It has those lovely illustrations one used to see in children’s books long before I was in this lifetime; the inner cover tells me the artist is Flora White. It’s from England, and has zero copyright information in it.

I’ve been trying to put together a forecast for March for the newsletter. 2025 is so fascinating; it’s a cusp year, and I’m trying really hard to be present to the experience. When I look around, I see all of these toddlers in adult bodies throwing temper tantrums, and I have to remind myself to not give a knee-jerk response. I pause, I feel the soles of my feet, I do my best to connect to Divine Love, and I take the actions I need to take, without giving the toddlers my power.



So, let’s talk patterns for March. I’ll start with broad brushstrokes and work my way in. Those broad brushstrokes will start with astrology, because patterns. There are a LOT of patterns. Actually, a lot of the same pattern, over and over and over again.We’ve got Ramadan, Mardis Gras, Ash Wednesday, Lent, a time change, Purim, St Patrick’s Day, 2 eclipses, Spring Equinox, Eid, and Mercury Retrograde. Oh, and a LOT of Pisces and Aries energy.

We kick off the month going into Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces AND the shadow of Mercury Retrograde, which will also be in Aries and Pisces. Neptune moves from Pisces into Aries at the end of the month. There are two eclipses, one of which (Solar Eclipse 3/29) is on the old axis (Aries), so it’s a reworking of the themes of the eclipses for the last 18 months.

I’m going to break that down.

(1) Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac, Aries is the first. So when planets or the Sun (who moves into Aries on 3/20 at Spring Equinox) move into Aries, there’s a sense of New Beginnings. BUT when the planets that are associated with our Thoughts & Communication (Mercury) and What Is Important To Us (Venus) move back into Pisces, we have unresolved issues in those areas that need to be reworked.

(2) Eclipses happen on an axis that happens to lineup with the North (points to your future) and South (points to your past) Nodes. If you look at as astrological chart, an axis is two signs that are on opposite sides of the wheel. The axis/nodes always move in the opposite direction of the progression of the wheel,so backwards) The North and South Node axis recently moved from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo. There’s that Aries into Pisces pattern again. BUT (remember they move backwards) the Solar Eclipse on 3/29 will be on the old axis. (there’s the retrograde pattern). So, again, we’re working the issues from the last 6 or so eclipses again.

This all flows right into Mercury Retrograde energy for me. Look how you got to where you are – physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, professionally, spiritually, socially. Look back to 18 months ago, look back to 12 months ago, and look back to the turn of the year. How have your values and priorities changed? What are the loose ends? Resolve those, either by finishing things up or by creating closure and taking your energy back.

Pisces and Aries

Here are the energies of those 2 signs:

Pisces is the end of the Zodiac, and has a lot of “wrapping up” type energy. It’s also associated with imagination and intuition, with non-linear pathways and non-traditional methods, with spiritual healing, and with allowing. If you want the gifts, avoid the pitfalls: complaining, focusing on the worst-case scenario, being unconscious to your present.

Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac, I always associate Aries energy with wanting the shiny new tech, but it can also be about purity, commitment to values, and passion. Aries gets things done. The pitfalls are that, out of balance, Aries can be egotistical, quick-to-anger, and not great at thinking things through before acting. If you’re into Tarot, think Knight of Swords.


I threw Runes for each week (except the first day, because it had a Tarot card from my weekly forecast already assigned to it).

3/2-3/8: Dagaz
There is an energy at dusk and dawn, where the absolutes of night and day collide. It’s a strongly transitional space. The veil thins. Magic is strong. At dusk there is a crescendo of bird activity, dying away into stillness. At dawn, the birds let us know it’s coming, and there’s a hope that floats on the breeze if you let yourself feel it.Can you imagine even the potential of an entire week filled with this energy?We are in the midst of the second-to-the-last stage (hopefully) of the biggest Paradigm Shift in recorded northern/western history. So yeah. What are you going to do with it?

3/9-3/15: Tiwaz
The essential energy of this Rune is Sacrifice for the Greater Good. I suspect what that looks like is going to depend a lot on what people do with the previous week’s energy.  But let’s drill down on this idea. Sacrifice is letting go (or removal) of something you didn’t think you were done with yet. It can be done consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly. What is the Greater Good? Lots of things. Right now, to me anyway, it’s moving through the Paradigm Shift faster. There are other things, of course, that could server the Greater Good. it all depends on your perspective.

I will say that some pretty smart political/economic pundits are suggesting there will be a stock market crash mid-month. Interestingly, if you really look at who is most affected by the stock market, I doubt it’s any of my readers. It’s certainly not the majority of the US population, let alone the global population.

Have you ever heard of The 7 Day Mental Diet? It’s a book by Emmet Fox, a mystic in the early 1900s. It says that (a) you can affect your thoughts through the use of will and focus, (2) changing your mind in this way will change your life. He suggests, over seven days, doing your best to not entertain your negative thoughts. Don’t interact with them: don’t argue with them, don’t fight them or push them away, don’t take them as truth. When you catch yourself following them, shift your attention to something more positive. Gratitude is one of my favorites. Try to not give your negative thoughts more than 5 seconds each.

I bring this up because the week of 3/9 to 3/15 would be a great week to try a mental diet. You’re not going to do it perfectly. Absolutely no one does. But try, and keep trying.

3/16-3/22: Perthro
The present is a direct result of the past. All actions lead to a point. And also, that which we take personally weighs us down.I also want to point out that the five-year anniversary (at least in California) of the day everything shut down is 3/19, which was a trauma for everyone on some level. The body remembers trauma, even if it’s not in your head, and a lot of people may be pretty squirrelly that week. You could use the lessons of the previous week, if you tried to direct your attention, to help you through the week.

Sliding back into astrology for a moment, the asteroid Juno goes retrograde in Sagittarius on the 19th as well, which asks us to examine the story we’ve been telling ourselves about intimacy and commitment since 2020.

3/23-3/29: Kenaz
Literally fire, or a torch. What can a torch do? It can light the way. It can light more lights. It can ignite a larger fire. Fire is a symbol for passion and for spirit (or soul).

In looking for deeper meaning, I realized that this is the week that both Venus and Mercury move back into Pisces, and the week of the throwback solar eclipse. Patterns matter. In one’s personal life, a pattern is an opportunity to heal an old wound. What are societal wounds that need to be healed? What are wounds of the human race that need to be healed? I would posit that slavery/patriarchy/capitalism is a very deep wound that is begging to be healed.And we’re back to the Paradigm Shift. I’m pretty sure we’re not shifting right now, but something important is going to happen.Aries is a fire sign, by the way.

3/30-31: Laguz
Laguz is water. The Feminine Divine looked out upon the waters before anything was created. Water is Life. Water can symbolize emotions. Water flows, and being in the flow is being in the zone. Water is so very Pisces.

We’ve just gone from Fire to Water. Like a planet retrograding from Aries into Pisces.

On the 30th, Neptune, who rules Pisces and has a lot of those same traits, moves into Aries. Just we slide into April.

Dates, in specific

I’m going to end this by calling out some auspicious or notable dates.
3/8 has the energy of Spiritual Beginnings, and between 5pm to 8pm (Pacific) is a really great time for anything you want to do.
3/9 – Time change, unless the Feds get rid of it. they’re getting rid of everything else, it could happen. Also a day that will take the energy of the month and turn it up to11. I really hope everyone gets the reference… Aaaand, a day with a lot of transcendent possibilities.
3/10 – a Goddess day. Look for something regarding women’s rights this day.
3/18 – Another day that amps up the overall energy of March.
3/20– Spring Equinox, which some people celebrate as the New Year. A time of balance,a moment beyond time.
3/27 – final amplification day (there are always 3), plus it’s the day that Venus moves back into Pisces.

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