A Journey for New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius is Friday 24 around 1:40pm West Coast time. This is a great time to hit the reset button or plant seeds for new dreams. Go big or go home, as the kids no longer say.

What is your heart’s desire? What is the wish you really really want to make, but it’s so big that it’s scary? What do you want but haven’t told anybody about?

Now is the time. New Moon in Aquarius is absolutely the time to enlist the Universe in making that happen.

Here’s a journey to help.

  • Get yourself into a meditative state
  • Bring all your attention and energy into your heart center
  • Envision yourself on a path that takes you to the grounds of a temple – Your Temple
  • Tidy up the grounds around the temple
  • Release anything that no longer serves you into the water, so it can be transmuted into something more useful
  • As you enter the temple itself, call in your Council of Ancestors to help guide you
  • Tidy up inside the temple as you chat with the Ancestors
  • When you reach the Inner Sanctum, offer your dream up to The Divine
  • From your heart center, create and grow a sphere of light that ends up enveloping you; it lifts you up, into a cube, and then into a pyramid above the cube
  • Allow the spark of the Divine to rest at the top of your head, its song almost imperceptible.

    • Tone Ah and come down into the bottom of the pyramid, the dream, infused by the Divine, coming into your mind and starting to take energetic form
    • Tone Oh and come down into the cube, the dream becoming more plan-able
  • Tone Ah and come down into the bottom of the pyramid, the dream, infused by the Divine, coming into your mind and starting to take energetic form
  • Tone Oh and come down into the cube, the dream becoming more plan-able
  • Tone Oo and descend into the sphere, your dream becoming doable, unfolding, it shows itself to you

    • Tone Aum and bring yourself back into this time and this space, and start writing down the information you received, without really coming out of the Meditation
    • Ground yourself when you are done
  • Tone Aum and bring yourself back into this time and this space, and start writing down the information you received, without really coming out of the Meditation
  • Ground yourself when you are done

Enjoy your New Moon in Aquarius!

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