SpaceWeather informs me:
NOAA forecasters have boosted the odds of an M-class flare today to 30%. The reasons are Sunspots AR2367 and AR2360, which are growing with unstable magnetic fields that harbor energy for M-class solar flares. At the moment, both active regions are crackling with low-level C-class flares. It may be just a matter of time before a more significant eruption occurs.
When I superimpose this over (1) moving out of [but still in the shadow of] Mercury Retrograde, (2) Neptune going Retrograde, (3) Saturn moving Retrograde into Scorpio, (4) New Moon Monday night/Tuesday morning, and (5) the rapidly approaching Solstice, the energy blows right past busy and into frantic. Out-of-proportion responses, big and hard-to-explain emotions, and an abundance of hyphens are probably to be expected.
What soothes you?
What helps you to disconnect?
What reminds you to breathe, to practice self-care, to simplify?
Do those things.
It’ll all be okay. It may not go according to (your) plan, but it will all be okay. Trust. Breathe. Soak in hot water. Huff a kitten. Blow some bubbles.
Remember, you are the light of the world!