On Friday, SpaceWeather alerted me to some solar activity that, while significant, wasn’t aimed at earth. I intended to write about it anyway, but it’s a waning moon, and I’m not betting as much done as I would like. The, this morning, I awoke to this missive:
Solar activity increased sharply on Oct. 19th when huge sunspot AR2192 unleashed an X1-class solar flare. The blast produced an HF radio blackout on the dayside of Earth and it likely hurled a CME into space
If you’ve been feeling like all of your energy has been drained from your body, or are having lower digestive issues, this may be the cause. If you feel like your spidey sense is going crazy but you don’t know why, you may be picking up on the Solar activity. All readings from Sunday through Tuesday may be a little “off.” You may be completely off schedule in weird ways. This feels less “jangly” than usual, and more exhausted, at least to me.
My advice?
* As always, drink more water.
* Make sure you are relying on your foundational practices, especially grounding.
* Doing the sun salutation exercises I’ve described before, where you align your heart with the Sun, will be helpful.
* Cut yourself some slack – don’t put too much stock in precise timing right now, and let yourself rest & recharge as necessary.
* Cut everyone around you some slack, too. They’re dealing with the same weirdness you are.
This too shall pass. Thursday is a partial solar eclipse, New Moon, and change in zodiac, so everything shifts soon. Plus Mercury goes direct on Saturday, so forward motion will be easier.
This does beg the question, however: Have you wrapped up all your loose ends? What remains unfinished? Because carrying as little of that as possible forward into the next cycle will be to your benefit.
Keep breathing!
I’m coming to depend on these… Thank you.