Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon isn’t usually my thing. This one was pulling on me and I couldn’t figure out why until I realized it was in Scorpio, which features strongly in my chart. If it’s calling you as well, here are some thoughts from the astrologers I read the most:

  • Jessica Shepherd: “This Scorpio Full Moon wants us to face the things we don’t want to face, connect with our strong emotions, and to honestly communicate what we feel. The terrain is our most intimate relationships, the people we most care about…hence the difficult emotions. Scorpio Moon’s shadow is moody self-absorption and self-isolation, i.e., what you feel when your emotions are so intensely charged with old wounds, insecurities, perceived threats and abandonment fears that you lash out or hole up. And then: what if the honesty required is too painful to admit, even to ourselves? … The gift of this Scorpio Full Moon is an ability to honestly see the truth of our reality and act on that insight. When we feel and communicate the personal and interpersonal fears that have been holding us back, we’re freed up to more fully live, and enjoy each other. Brooding gives way to the awe-ful, sometimes tragic, always deeply moving dance of life, death, change.  Dark moodiness releases into the deep gratitude we have for life, and those we love. As we restore emotional integrity to our vital bonds, we’re free to enjoy the beauty in life.”
  • April Elliott Kent: “It’s important to use all your gifts to create a life that is a sincere offering to the gods, but prosperity is a dance you must do with the unseen forces of the collective. You can’t achieve prosperity in a vacuum, not unless you own a mint. Prosperity is not a closed system; the money you hope to attract has to come from other people. And the minute you demonstrate a willingness to accept help from the collective, the oppressive weight of trying to earn a living is immediately cut in half. There’s no shame in letting others carry you part of the way along your journey.”
  • A really beautiful solitary ritual from Dana Gerhardt
  • Starcana: “As the Scorpio Full Moon rises Wednesday afternoon, elevated sensitivities encourage us to do what is necessary to release the pressure. Thoughts, feelings and intentions placed around the Solar Eclipse finally climax, setting off a display of deep, dark emotions. What has been secretive, hidden, and lurking in the shadows, is released as Luna’s sacred light is casted. Answers come forward as the Scorpio Full Moon quietly injects her truth serum, destroying what has been disloyal, corrupted, and now basically useless.”

I don’t know about you, but it explains a lot for me. I’ll be playing with water in the moonlight tomorrow.


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