We embark on the twentieth day of a 40 Day Practice, based on the energy of the Labyrinth (releasing – contemplation – receiving). If you have a local labyrinth, I invite you to walk the labyrinth with today’s theme as your focus. If you don’t have a local labyrinth, you can create your own, take a walk somewhere peaceful, or even sit in contemplation in your own home. I will be scheduling various public labyrinth appearances, and you are welcome to join me when and where you can, if you feel moved to do so.
The theme for today is Seeking. Seeking is about looking for answers. A bit of caution, though – asking why is not a useful question. If you ask “why” about actions other than your own, the only remotely empowering answer you can arrive at is “because it’s my fault.” “How” and “what” are much better questions. “How do I do this?” “What is the truth of the situation?” “What is my next indicated action?” These are all empowering questions.
Questions that might help you see what you can release: Where do I have resistance to answers? What questions am I asking, and do they come from ego or my heart? Am I asking “why” questions or “how” questions? What am I seeking? Is what I’m seeking useful to my growth and progress? Am I chasing my tail or looking for solutions? Where do I seek more information about myself? What tools do I bring to bear when I am seeking something? Am I afraid of finding that which I seek?
Suggestions for contemplation: Connect with the earth or a stone, and ask it “what am I seeking?” and see what comes. Connect with a tree, and ask it “what am I seeking?” and see what comes. Connect with an animal, and ask it “what am I seeking?” and see what comes. Bring all of your attention and all of your focus into your heart center, in the very center of your chest, and ask “what am I seeking?” and see what comes. Send that focus up about 3-6 feet above your head and ask “What am I seeking?” and see what comes. Now relax, and allow your consciousness to expand outward, letting go of any attachment as best you can, and see what comes.
Your mantra for receiving today might be “I open myself to better seeking” or even “I open myself to that which I seek.”