We embark on the fifteenth day of a 40 Day Practice, based on the energy of the Labyrinth (releasing – contemplation – receiving). If you have a local labyrinth, I invite you to walk the labyrinth with today’s theme as your focus. If you don’t have a local labyrinth, you can create your own, take a walk somewhere peaceful, or even sit in contemplation in your own home. I will be scheduling various public labyrinth appearances, and you are welcome to join me when and where you can, if you feel moved to do so.
Today’s theme is Willingness. Willingness frequently comes through as openness – an open heart, and open mind. When we are willing, we don’t close ourselves off to possibilities. When we are willing, “I don’t know” can be our most strengthening answer.
Questions that might help you see what you can release: Where am I stuck? Where am I digging in my heels? Where am I stomping my feet? What awakens that inner brat of mine? What grudges am I holding on to? Around what issues am I letting my anger boil and seethe instead of taking positive action? And where is that resistance holding me back?
Suggestions for Contemplation: Give the anger, the resistance, the grudge an image. See it sitting in you at the level of your solar plexus. Imagine yourself, with your left hand, pulling it out of you and holding it to the side. Sit and open to new Understanding, a solution, anything the Universe might offer, that gives you an alternative.
A suggested mantra for receiving today could be “I open myself to willingness, I open myself to receiving, I open myself to solutions.”