We embark on the eighth day (week 2!) of a 40 Day Practice, based on the energy of the Labyrinth (releasing – contemplation – receiving). If you have a local labyrinth, I invite you to walk the labyrinth with today’s theme as your focus. If you don’t have a local labyrinth, you can create your own, take a walk somewhere peaceful, or even sit in contemplation in your own home. I will be scheduling various public labyrinth appearances, and you are welcome to join me when and where you can, if you feel moved to do so.
Today’s theme is Discipline, specifically self-discipline. How do you define discipline? What are its qualities?
Questions that might help you see what you can release: Do you embrace or resist creating discipline in your life, and why? Do you find it freeing or restrictive? When you practice self-discipline, how does it affect your life? Is there a difference in effect between externally-imposed discipline and internally-imposed discipline? Which do you prefer? Do you find either empowering, and why?
Suggestions for Contemplation: Imagine that you have roots that grow out of your feet and down into the earth, connecting you with the mineral world. Does this create any changes in how you feel, physically or emotionally? Allow those roots to extend outward, connecting with the root systems of the plants around you. Does that create any changes in how you feel? Do you get any impressions? Are there any animals that you associate with the idea of discipline? How do you feel about that animal? Think about someone you greatly admire – what is/was their relationship with discipline? Do you aspire to be like them? What is/was their most admirable quality? What form might supernatural assistance with self-discipline take? Would it still be self-discipline at that point? How does discipline relate to your understanding or concept of the Divine?
Your mantra for receiving today might be “I open myself to receive the willingness and strength to practice self-discipline, and the awareness of where it is most needed.”
How amusing is it that I completely dropped the ball on practice this day? Otherwise my self discipline was great – I met all my goals and obligations. I never quite managed to do a focused meditation, though.
How about you?