Planetary Energy and Solar Flares

A quick post about planetary energy, affected by the Sun, in turn affecting us…

From SpaceWeather:

A pair of CMEs launched from the farside of the sun on June 17th are approaching Mercury and Venus. The double-strike on Mercury (today) will pepper the planet’s rocky surface with high energy electrons, igniting X-ray auroras at ground level. The impact on Venus (tomorrow) will likely erode a small amount of the planet’s upper atmosphere.

On the day those CMEs launched, both planets moved into Cancer. Mercury in Cancer offers us the opportunity to process and digest everything we’ve been though recently, and to release the energy of it. Venus in Cancer brings our focus into connections and Spiritual Exploration.

Much like when solar flares hit the Earth, these CMEs supercharged both of those energies for us.

As I said in my forecast for this week, despite Summer Solstice (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere), this is a week where we could use some downtime, maybe slow down; between now and August is a good time to re-assess your self care routine and prioritize yourself better. Take advantage of the energy from these solar flares, they feed into the Paradigm Shift.

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