On Monday (11/11), Mercury will transit (cross) the Sun’s face. On the West Coast, it will start at 4:36am, peak at 7:20am, and finish at 10:04am. The next Mercury Transit won’t be until 2032. Yes yes, that’s only 12 years off, but still.
So, this event is Mercury (conscious thought, communication) stepping between us and Sol (higher self). Sol, being the heart of our Solar System, is a higher aspect of our own Heart Center, which is our point of connection, both within our selves and with everything and everyone around us. The Heart is where the illusion of separation falls away. Conscious intention can be put to good use at this time, remembering that incremental changes can lead to significant course corrections.
It might help to look at the numerology of the day: 11/11/2019
7 is the number of the merging of the Divine with the experienced world.
This Mercury Transit is happening during Mercury Retrograde. So looking backward before looking forward is strongly indicated. It is also an exceleent time for manifestation. I’ll be offering short online readings via Zoom 6pm-8pm PST Sunday night, to help you see what to focus on, in case you would like to do a personal ritual during the actual Transit. Bear in mind, though, that the energy will be active all day, so I will also be offering online readings 2pm-5pm on Monday. You can book those below (link will go away after Monday).