I recently got back some things from a venue that closed, and would like to get them out of my office, because, as anyone who has seen my office can attest, I have limited space on the best of days.
- 5 Faery Crystal bags: Small crystal chakra balancing kits in a terrifically portable size!
$6.00 each
Various powdered incenses:
– General clearing incense (white sage, frankincense, lavender, cedar) $4
– Rebirth incense (lavender, mint, white sage) $4
– Solar Eclipse (lavender, cedar, catnip, myrrh, black sage, frankincense) $3
– Communing with the Ancestors (cinnamon, white sage, black sage, cedar, rosemary) $5
– Home & Hearth (bay laurel, cedar, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh) $4
- Crystal Clearing Bowl – Connection to Divine Self (small) $40
Himalayan salt, lavender, hematite, peacock ore, lapis, aqua aura, moonstone, and seaglass from Iceland in an opalescent Turkish glass bowl - Crystal Clearing Bowl – Clear Anxiety & Negativity (small) $40
Himalayan salt, lavender, hematite, black-green tourmaline, amethyst, golden & smokey quartz in an opalescent Turkish glass bowl - Crystal Clearing Bowl – Relieve Emotional Effects of Monthly Hormonal Shifts (small) $40
Himalayan salt, lavender, hematite, jasper, ruby, garnet, and moonstone in an opalescent Turkish glass bowl - Crystal Clearing Bowl – Relieve Emotional Effects of Monthly Hormonal Shifts (small) $40
Himalayan salt, lavender, hematite, carnelian, aquamarine, golden quartz, rose quarts, smokey quartz, and larimar in an opalescent Turkish glass bowl

I will be putting them up in the sales area in the next week or so, but if you’d like to get something in the meantime, drop me a note. If you are going to be at one of my classes or New Moon or the Psychic Faire, you can avoid paying shipping, but you will need to let me know in advance so I bring it.