Solar Flares and Terrorism?

Sunspot AR2365 There was a big ol’ solar flare that, according to the scientists, missed the earth. All that really means is that it didn’t affect radio waves and satellites. It still affects us, although not as severely. It happened at 1:30 UTC 6/18, which means 8:30pm last night on the east coast. The terrorist enterest Emanuel AME Church at 8:17 and the shooting was reported at 9:05.

Let that sink in.

There are two more sun spots getting ready to go off, and they may be stronger and affect us more directly.

I haven’t actually done any in-depth research yet on solar flares and domestic terrorism. I do know that we get edgier during storms, that unbalanced thinking can increase, and that impulse control can be more challenging.

As we move closer to the Solstice, binary thinking gets stronger, opinions get louder, and things that have been shrouded in shadow come to light more readily.  Combined with strengthening solar activity, we could see more violence erupting. There was a bomb threat this morning at a prayer vigil in Memphis; however, threats happen all the time.

If people are talking crazy, please call them on it so they have the opportunity to change.
If people are acting really crazy, get them some help.
If you’re feeling crazy yourself, take these steps:

  • Slow and lengthen your breath. Pause at the top and the bottom of the breath.
  • Focus on the soles of your feet. This has the effect of grounding you.
  • Take a time out if you need to. Go for a walk. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Turn off the computer and the news and listen to something soothing or meditate or read a book.
  • Make sure you are eating regularly, and make sure it’s healthy and as close to nature as possible,
  • Drink more water. Yes, even more water.
  • Reach out to someone you find calming.

Please remember that you are the light of the world, and align yourself with your highest good.

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