2015: A New Kind of Shift

Everything I’m seeing indicates that 2015 is going to be a year of big, sweeping changes. We are moving rapidly into a space where more and more people are having to confront their ideas of how the world works and how we all fit together. The choice becomes on of evolution or resistance. The more one resists global shift, the more uncomfortable it becomes. There are people who are very invested for various reasons in their current world paradigm, and are having a very hard time of it.  Even people who aren’t conceptually opposed to the idea of shift are being asked to stretch pretty far, so imagine how hard it must be fore people who don’t even want to entertain the idea.

What it boils down to is that the illusion of separation is melting away.

Either God/dess is everything or God/dess is nothing, because what’s bigger than the Divine? Granted, the Divine can be both everything and nothing, but I’m really not trying to make your brain hurt more. If the Divine is All There Is, then everything is a part of that whole. We are all, essentially, cells in the Body Divine. If that is the case, we are not merely connected, we are part of the same whole. Any separation we experience is an imposition of a false construct. Yes, a red blood cell has a different function than a white blood cell, but they work in concert for the benefit of the body as a whole. On their own, there’s no point. Likewise, the way we choose to individuate and present ourselves to each other only has a purpose if we are working in harmony. Seeing the otherness of someone and using that as a point of separation is useless. Seeing the otherness of someone and connecting with them in harmony moves the body forward. It has a point.

I am not suggesting that in the next 12 months we are going to lose all sense of boundaries, or that we will become one homogenous whole. We are not yet at the point where it is helpful to let go of our individuation. It is, however, going to be harder and harder to hold on to the idea that “other is different is bad.” We are finally moving into a space where more and more people are in compassion – thinking with their hearts – rather than judgment – thinking with their heads. This creates an energy where we see how we’re all connected, where we can start to understand each others’ experience, where we want to lift each other up. More and more people are raising their voices, unwilling to be complicit in degradation and systemic harm.

It’s moving the body as a whole into a place of healing. When the white blood cells attack the red blood cells, the body is sick. When the various cells support each others’ function, the body is healthy. If the body gets too unhealthy, every part of it ceases to exist. The path from attack to cessation can be very traumatic and very painful. We’re seeing more and more reflection of this in the health of individuals – it’s called cancer. I am convinced that, if we stop acting in disharmony with each other, cancer rates will drop. It’s not a reflection of the individuals, per se. They may or may not be the ones perpetuating judgementalism. It is a reflection of the human race as a whole. Because we are all part of the All There Is, disharmony over here may create or boost disharmony over there.

Rather than thinking that the world is random and we are completely powerless over our circumstances, it is more helpful to ask “how can I make the world a better place?” or “how can I enhance the situation I am in?” or “how can I help to harmonize disharmonious situations?” It’s starting to happen organically. Modeling the conscious behavior can be helpful in moving that along even faster.

Remember, you are the light of the world!

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