Today is an unusually powerful day. The Sun moves into Scorpio. Venus is in Scorpio. The New Moon is in Scorpio. And we are having a solar eclipse, which amplifies the New Moon.
Scorpio is like a fire goddess. She will help you be authentic, in your passion, incredibly present. You have to want it, though. You have to want it enough to sacrifice your inauthentic self, to sacrifice those distractions and addictions that keep you from being present. You have to want it enough to be willing to look into the shadows and own all of your self.
My labyrinth walk today was quite different from the past few weeks. Makes sense, really – all of the energy today is about new beginnings, and the Sun and Moon have both moved into my First House, so as without, so within. I have been contemplating some grand changes, and the contemplation is rapidly shifting to action.
As I entered the Labyrinth, in the releasing phase, I felt strongly called to practice a healing chant given to me by Lana Khymsar Rinpoche. I was taught to do it with mala beads, rapidly, as a sort of litany, but I had left my beads in the car. “No matter,” I thought, ” I’ll just chant it until I get to the center.” What I found was that it wanted to slow down and have a deeper pitch, until it became an exercise in toning.
At the center, in contemplation, I spent time connection with all six kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal, mankind, angelic, and the Divine. No expectations, no dialogue, just connecting.
On the way out, the receiving phase, I started with my usual receiving affirmation, but soon felt called to move into the Goddess affirmation, which carried me through the rest of the practice easily.
May you find your own closures and new beginnings this New Moon. Namaste.