Drive-by Astrology: Last Quarter Moon

Today is a Last Quarter Moon. That is to say that we are halfway between Full and New Moon. Luna is waning, shrinking; our energy retreats inward. Some people see this as the perfect time to re-evaluate one’s course and make necessary adjustments. Take a moment, over the next 24 hours, to look at where you are, and see if where you’ve aimed yourself is where you want to be going. Might as well figure it out now so you can more cleanly set your intentions at the New Moon.

Keep in mind, also, that we move into Mercury Retrograde in less than 2 weeks. Anything new you want to embark on should be starrted now, or studiously considered if it has to be started later. Mercury Retrograde gets a bad rap, by the way – it’s that break you’re always asking the Universe for. Three weeks to pause, catch your breath, and do things s-l-o-w-l-y and deliberately. Take advantage of it!

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