The theme for the 39th day of The 40 Day Practice is Honesty. Honesty is more than truthfulness; you can be technically truthful and still not be honest.
The first place we must be honest is with ourselves, otherwise even we don’t know what the truth is. Where do you lie to yourself? What have you made okay that really does make you uncomfortable? Where do you rationalize? Are you fully aware of your emotions? Do you watch your thoughts or get involved in them? Do you know why you do the things you do?
Contemplate what truth is for you at every level, starting with the most basic survival instincts; moving up into emotions, into logic, personality, and fears; into what your heart would reveal to you; into how honest you are about putting yourself out into the world; into looking back in hindsight to gain more clarity about your behaviors; into what Divine Truth is for you.
Open yourself to further information about honesty, so you might be able to become more honest.