The 40 Day Practice: Day 19: Balance

We embark on the nineteenth day of a 40 Day Practice, based on the energy of the Labyrinth (releasing – contemplation – receiving). If you have a local labyrinth, I invite you to walk the labyrinth with today’s theme as your focus. If you don’t have a local labyrinth, you can create your own, take a walk somewhere peaceful, or even sit in contemplation in your own home. I will be scheduling various public labyrinth appearances, and you are welcome to join me when and where you can, if you feel moved to do so.

The theme for today is Balance. Of course, we never achieve perfect balance, but it should, nonetheless, be our goal. Balance between restriction and mercy. Balance between masculine and feminine. Balance between action and receptivity. Balance means drawing appropriate boundaries with compassion. Balance means allowing  people and things to come into our lives and leave our lives with grace. Balance means accepting help when we need it. Balance means neither hoarding nor poverty. Balance is bringing joy to your work and your play.

Questions that might help you see what you can release: Where does my life feel out of balance? DO I have relationships where I give more than I receive? Do I have relationships where I take more than I give? Do I think I can or need to do it all myself? Do I expect others to make all the plans? Do I allow myself down time? Am I an unofficial therapist for all of my friends and the lady at the bus stop? How do I receive a compliment? How do I react to offers of help?

Suggestions for contemplation: Close your eyes and breathe. Reach your arms out to your side, gather your energy, and pull it into your center core. Feel yourself connected to the earth and the sky. Ask the Powers That Be to show you ways to bring your life into balance. Ask them to be specific.

An appropriate mantra for receiving today would be “I open myself to balance on all levels, and I welcome guidance on the best ways to bring that in.

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