Welcome to eclipse season!
And a Full Moon!
And renewed solar activity!
And the thinning of the veil!
And Mercury retrograde!
…And some other stuff too, I’m sure…
For all I write about Mercury Retrograde and Lunar cycles, I am not an astrologer. I play, but I have so many lovely colleagues whose passion it is, who are really, truly good at it; it’s not my thing. I do numerology, I channel, and I have a thing for patterns and cycles. Eclipses, and the moon in general, are all about cycles.
Did you know that the last time we had a lunar eclipse like this one was in 2006, 2005, or 1994, depending on how precise you want to be about the words “like this?” Eclipse cycles in general are 19 years, a number that is sacred to the Celtic Goddess Brigid. I’ll get back to Her in a moment. So, what was going on for you in October of 2006, 2005, and 1994? Is there a pattern? What did you start? What is similar to what you’re doing or going through now?
The energy right now is interesting, especially when I reach outward to feel what’s going on. I’ve been in a bit of duck-and-cover lately, with all the deaths, and the crazy politics, and generally powering down for fall. But the energy! The energy is very ADD, kinetic, a little frantic. If people don’t know what to do with it, it’s wiping them out. So many people right now have what feels like a low-grade cold. They’re just energetically drained, which can lead to a lowered immune response, but all it may be is a shaking up of their energy with no outlet. So please, please, ground. Use every trick in the book, every tool in your toolbox, and connect yourself to the planet through your feet. Drink enough water, preferably with a little clear fruit juice or herbal tea in it. Don’t tell me you’re drinking enough water, almost no one does – drink more.
We’ve been in the foreshadow of Mercury Retrograde for a week or two. Communication is funny. Not funny haha, funny weird. Heck, just look at what’s been going on in Washington DC. With the Retrograde kicking in full force on the 21st, the chickens are going to come home to roost! I’m not sure what that’s going to look like yet, but I can feel it. They started something, and it’s bigger than any of us. You can’t have a wrapping up of old energies (mercury Retrograde) and a new new new beginnings energy like a full moon lunar eclipse in Aries, and not have some spectacular things happen.
Let me get back to Brigid, lest I be that author who annoys me so much, mentioning interesting tangents and never coming back to them. Brigid is a Goddess of Fire and of Water. She is the Goddess of healing, writing, poetry, and smithcraft (a mythological code word for technology). She shows up in various parts of the world (like Haiti) almost completely unchanged. Of course, in Haiti, she’s the Goddess of the Dead, guardian of the cemeteries. Oh, hey, look, it’s that time of year; veil is thin, ghosts and faeries roam about, we honor the ancestors… Interesting. October leads up to the thinning of the veil, October is always the beginning of eclipse season (which are on a 19 year cycle), 19 is the number of Brigid… Sorry, I’m having a double rainbow moment. What was I writing about?
All of the astrology sources that I read are sounding the alarms about this particular Mercury Retrograde. They seem to think it’s going to be a doozy. Of course, everyone is always more alarmist than I about these things. It may be a powerful MRx, but let’s not forget that this energy is excellent for manifesting. Anything you’ve been working on, planning, playing with can be brought to a head quite easily during a Mercury Retrograde. It does require that you act more consciously and slowly, but that’s not a bad thing. Coast the energy; breathe; ground; be as present as possible to every interaction; wrap up loose ends; avoid attempting short cuts (they’ll just explode on you). It might not be a bad idea, simply because of what the Universe asks of us during a Mercury Retrograde, to rely more on pen-and-paper than technology for the next 5 weeks (retrograde plus wake).
And breathe.
Did I say breathe? Breathe. Slowly. Deeply. Pause in between breaths. Let your energy slow down, or you’ll just be frustrated. Practice really good self care right now. It will help. I promise. Honor whatever is coming up for you, while remembering the difference between feelings and emotions. You don’t have to place a judgment or a label on whatever physical sensations are going on in your body, just have them; let them be. The more inner peace you can create, the quieter you can become, the more peaceful your outer world will be. That’s just how these things work.