Throughout the known history of the world, we have had stories of encounters with otherworldly beings, who we have called angels, gods, or aliens. Many of these beings have given us the ability to write, to build, to create things way beyond our capabilities. They have shared information with us, helped us to see things differently… Some of them have even spent considerable time with us. Some have married or mated with us.
What if all these beings weren’t magical? What if they just came from civilizations with better technology than us?
Over the next 2 months, I will be guiding an exploration of this idea via Matrix International University. We will be looking at the legends, paintings, and archeological evidence from around the world, seeking out common threads, in hopes of learning more about ourselves and the Universe, so that we might be more effective moving forward. We will be meeting every other Monday (9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29) at 7pm for two hours, tuition is $216. There are still a few spaces open in the class, please call 323-644-7625 to reserve your seat!