Conventional wisdom tells us that we slow down as we get older, that our bodies don’t function as efficiently as they used to, and yet we still see examples of older people running marathons, hiking, bicycling, and generally living it up. Maybe it’s tine to re-evaluate how we think about aging. Yes, many of us do feel a decline in our well being as we age, but maybe we don’t have to.
Matter is energy, this is a scientific principle. Therefore, you are made of energy, as is everything around you. As you go through your daily life, you encounter many different types of energy, and they all effect you in some way, whether you are conscious of it or not. Some people help you feel energized or relaxed, some people make you feel drained. The same can be said for your choices in entertainment, your work encounters, and, really, any situation you find yourself in. The effect of these can build up over time.
While we can’t always choose what sorts of encounters and situations we have, we can make sure to get rid of the negative energies we pick up and enhance or increase the positive energies we come into contact with. Surrounding yourself with positive people can certainly help, as can working in a profession you find fulfilling. Regular meditation has been shown scientifically to reduce your stress and increase your sense of well being. Exercise improves the chemical balance in your body and keeps you functioning better longer. What you eat certainly has an effect on how you feel, especially long term.
Some of the work I do helps clear away accumulated negative energies. That’s a large portion of what healing is. Your body will regenerate itself quite well, given the appropriate building materials, as long as any blocks to healing are removed. So, when I “do healing,” what I’m really doing is helping to remove the impediments to letting your body do its job. I may also remind your body that it can heal itself, so that it does so faster, but as long as the blocks are out of the way, the body is going to get better.
Sometimes a person can pick up negativity for a reason (their higher self wants to learn something or experience something), or we aren’t ready to let go of the energy that’s in the way (resentments, karma), and healing does not occur. It’s also possible that sometimes I am not the healer to help remove the blocks; maybe I’m not powerful enough, or maybe a person needs to work with someone else for some very specific reasons. I am certainly not so egotistical to think that I am the only solution to anyone’s problems. Those readers who know me personally know that I experience a certain amount of frustration with my own health.
My point is this: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to feel the way you do. There are options. If you are not enjoying your body, if your physical form is getting in the way of you doing things you enjoy, you do not have to allow that to continue. Try some of the tools suggested above. Make feeling better a priority. I certainly do.