Interesting energy going on right now. People are rigid, being cranky, edgy, or stubborn. Everyone wants change. Communication isn’t working particularly well. Things feel… stuck.
Oh look, there’s a Mercury Retrograde about to start, we’re in a New Moon, and there’s solar storms hitting our atmosphere!
I write about Mercury Retrograde all the time (no, really, do a search). I’m not up for repeating myself tonight. Suffice it to say, you can choose to be empowered by them, or you can pretend to be a victim; your choice.
This particular New Moon is particularly interesting, because it’s in Leo, which frequently awakens the creative genius in us. Problem with creative genius is the flavor of bipolar energy that comes with it. Deep, introspective lows we can get lost in. Soaring, invincible highs that can make us lose touch with the shared reality. The fear that extremes can bring.
Solar storms don’t just effect our satellites and communication devices, they effect us. We can get moody, frustrated, short-tempered. They make the nerves jangly. Pain levels can go up, if you’re susceptible to that sort of thing. This goes particularly poorly with the Leo energy.
And! We’ve got an astrological configuration coming up around the 8th (you can feel impending astrological changes before they happen) involving Mars, Pluto and Uranus that begins a chapter that will last through 2014. This sort of energy hasn’t been seen since the late 1960s. Anyone remember what sort of changes we might have had around the globe in that time period? Yeah. You think there’s been revolutionary thought and uprisings this year? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
The thing about revolutionary thought, on this level, is that it’s not all external. This is a time when we get to really think about who we are, how we see ourselves, and what we project out into the world. Sure, there’s going to be some big political changes going on, but what’s more important, more relevant, is what’s going on inside of you right now. Who do you really want to be, and why aren’t you being that person? That’s going to be the keynote for this next chapter.
Mercury Retrograde (ok, fine, I’ll talk about it a little) is a perfect time to start that process. If you don’t look at how you got here, how do you know what or where HERE is? And if you don’t tie up your loose ends, the energy of this particular moment in time is going to follow you around until you do. Why not use the retrograde to your advantage?
As always in times of change, it’s a good idea to reinforce your foundations:
- If you don’t have a daily practice, come up with one. If you do have one already, make sure it’s working for you.
- Grounding grounding grounding.
- Drink plenty of water, preferably with a little lemon or something in it.
- Make sure your focus is on how you can be of service, how you can enhance and give back to your community, on what your impact is on your world. Keep your side of the street clean, so to speak, don’t make a mess or get wrapped up in drama, especially if it’s not even yours.
- Spend at least 10 minutes a day distancing yourself from the noise in your head.
Blessings. May you be the light of the world.