I have been walking the Labyrinth since 1999, when the US went into Kosovo, and every once in a while I still come to a turn that feels unfamiliar. This is exciting for me because the labyrinth is a metaphor for life, and I like establishing new pathways and new patterns. Unfamiliar territory in the labyrinth indicates new energy, a shift. I think yesterday’s dual earthquakes (6.5 in Veracruz, MX, and 7.1 in Japan) are a physical manifestation that another shift has occurred, and my experience in the labyrinth today only underscores it.
What does all this mean? I don’t know yet. I’m working on that part. I do know that a lot of sensitives have been tired, even exhausted lately. I am no exception. that usually tells me that, on some level, we are all expending a fantastic amount of energy. Perhaps we are assisting our Higher Self, Gaia, in adjusting her vibration and spin. If that is the case, expect more earth movement soon, especially volcanic. (As an aside, I felt sick to my stomach last night around 10:30pm Pacific time, which is frequently an indicator of shift or volcanic activity, although a number of my colleagues experienced those symptoms when the first reactor failed in Japan as well).
One thing that I have been finding helpful is to simultaneously ground and pull energy in through my crown chakra. This has the effect of putting me into alignment with my higher purpose, which is naturally going to help raise my vibration and keep me in sync with the planetary shifts. If you need a grounding meditation, feel free to grab the free one offer on the tools page.