People have been hearing a lot about the Shift, but many do not understand what this really means, or are stuck in a fear-based concept of it.
The Shift refers to a Shift in, or raising of, vibration, both personally and collectively as a planet. We have already begun this process, and September 11th. 2011, only served to speed that up. There have been several jumps in energy since then, the most recent being last month, in February of 2011. You may have noticed a change in your perception of time, an increase in your trigger issues coming up (so that you can clear them), heightened sensitivity to violence and strong feelings in others, or even increase psychic awareness. You may feel irritable, overwhelmed, edgy. You may not ice people acting more unconsciously, in communication and in driving (the two places where things like this are most noticeable).
The Shift is not a sudden event, it is not going to cause some people to simply disappear, or die, or gain superpowers (a least, not suddenly). It is not something to fear. In fact, the more one embraces it, the more benefits one gains from the raising of one’s vibration. This is a time of manifesting, of realizing one’s destiny, embracing one’s True Path or Calling, and of gaining a stronger connection to Source and to the people that one has called into one’s life. Staying in fear only blocks one’s energy and slows down the process.
To ease the transition and get out of fear, make sure you have a daily practice of getting centered and in alignment with the divine, eat as healthy as possible, drink plenty of water, and focus on what makes your heart sing. Release what no longer serves you willingly, and work on increasing your sense of connection to Source and to those you have called into your life. Breathe. Ground.
As we go though these shifts, things are speeding up, so the concept is impacting us at a core level. You are being asked to let go of that which no longer serves you fairly quickly. Some people find this disconcerting or unsettling and resist the process, which is counterproductive and potentially harmful, because your Higher Self wants to release anything that is holding you back, so you’re probably going to lose those things anyway. At the same time, the ego wants desperately to hold onlto those things. So you have a lot of internal struggle going on, draining your energy, and distracting you from the work at hand.
The best way to go through this Shift is in willingness, gratitude and grace. Understand that anything or anyone moving out of your life at this time simply frees you up to progress on your journey. If you embrace this concept, the Shift can be a pleasant and uplifting experience. If you fight against it, you are bound to be very uncomfortable. Breathe your resitance and discomfort out through the soles of your feet, releasing it to the earth, so that its energy can be transformed into something more useful.
Pay close attention to your heart and your spirit. About each thing and person in your life, ask yourself “does this serve my higher purpose?”, especially if it seems to be leaving you. Focus on your daily practice and make sure that you are meditating, so that you are clear on what your higher purpose is. Allow the Universe to take you where you need to be. Release any negative energy, exercise, eat healthy foods, drink more water (always more water), and try to hold a space of willingness. Each time you catch yourself in a negative thought or trying to force a situation, gently pull yourself back into a space of willingness. Be kind to yourself. It affects your energy and others will also treat you with kindness.
We have reached a point where, for many of us, our consciousness has actually moved from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension, but we are still holding on to the illusion of 3rd dimensional “reality.” This always happens at this point in a shift, the consciousness holds on to the familiar even though it is no longer relevant. Think of it as being in labor. So, your reality is interacting with you as if you were fully in the 4th dimension, but you are reacting back to that reality from a 3rd dimensional space. No wonder we’re all confused.
The children get it. The majority of the children being born right now are actually the next step in the evolutionary ladder. They have more active chromosomes on their DNA strands, they adapt to immuno-deficiency viruses as opposed to fighting them, they are much more aware of energetic information, and they can manifest things like you and I breathe. Here’s the problem: dealing with us slowpokes and a world that is in no way geared toward beings with their skills, and being trained from birth to pretend they are in the 3rd dimension when they know damn well they are not, is incredibly frustrating. Child-on-child violence, school shootings, that’s all a clarion call for help, for us to stop torturing them.
We can do this easy or we can do this hard, kicking and screaming the entire way. The faster we ease our consciousness into an awareness of the 4th dimensional space we’re in, the less tiring and traumatic is it. How long do you want to be in labor, really? If we could all agree to move forward, upward, we would feel much better, less unsettled, and we would be doing a great service to the younger generations on the Planet.
Personal challenges during times of shift can take many forms. New and unusual health problems, metabolism shifts, dramatic shifts in sensitivity, incredibly different people coming into your life, the urge to make sweeping changes, stronger emotions, louder guidance, movement in the employment area, alterations in financial status… Right now, it is very easy to manifest that which you fear the most, so take this opportunity to work towards releasing your fears, this is very important.
The keywords right now are acceptance and release. Release that which you no longer need, that which no longer serves you, or it will be taken from you or stop working anyway. If you feel like things or people or situations are leaving your life, let them go on a conscious level. Any pain you experience will be from resisting the process, or a lack of acceptance.
It is time. All of your old tools and coping mechanisms that have allowed you to rest on your laurels are going to be taken from you. This is about growth, not stagnation. You no longer get to hang out on your plateau of safety. The water is rising, you must rise with it.
I know this sounds dire, but it is not. The good news is that, as you move more consciously into your shift, releasing with love and acceptance, everything in your life will run more smoothly, you will feel incredible, and the new awareness that comes will make all of this struggle seem inconsequential. You are moving into something bigger and better, and the only resistance is that which comes from you, You have a choice. Where would you like to be?
I have a workshop I offer, which teaches tools for working with these energies, and how to help others through the transitions as well. I will be offering the workshop on April 9th in the Phoenix area and on April 17th in Long Beach. Another one is in the planning stages for Santa Clarita. Dates and details are available as plans coalesce on the Upcoming Events & Classes page. If you would like to bring this workshop to your group, please let me know and we can put something together.