How to Deal with Sun Spots and Solar Storms

I received an email today from SpaceWeather:

One of the largest sunspots in years, AR1944, has turned toward Earth and it is crackling with strong flares. So far on Jan. 7th, the active region has produced M7- and X1-class eruptions, and more appear to be in the offing. As this alert is being issued, analysts are waiting for more data from solar observatories to clarify the possibility of CME impacts and geomagnetic storms in the days ahead.

Sunspots and solar flares disrupt the magnetic field in the atmosphere, negatively affecting satellite communications, and disrupt fields here on the planet as well. Being that human beings have an electro-magnetic field, we are all affected. People report feeling “jangly,” raw, edgy, or hypersensitive.  It may be hard to sleep or focus. Traffic accidents may be more common. People communicate more poorly.

On a spiritual level, this is an invitation to connect with the heart of the solar system, the sun itself, and to realign ourselves. Not the easiest thing to do when we’re all distracted and raw.

Start by taking care of yourself. Drink more water, preferably with a little fruit juice in it. Eat things that are closer to their original state, avoiding prepackaged items. Give yourself time to acclimatise to new situations. Remove yourself from conflict whenever possible. Be gentle with yourself.

Now, what about the people around you? They are likely feeling the same way, but have less information about how to handle it. So cut them some slack. Breathe. Communicate clearly and patiently. Give people who are agitated a wide berth if possible, so that they can process their experience in their own time. The more aware you are of the experience of others, the easier your life is going to be.

We may be Spiritual Beings having a human experience, but Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs still applies.  Once you’ve got all that physical world stuff handled, you can focus on Spirit. Consciously connect yourself with the heart of the planet through your feet. Breathe, slowly and deeply. Reach up, as if you were gathering the air together, and imagine you are reaching all the way up to Sol, connecting with that energy, and draw it down, through the top of your head, into your own heart. Let it mill about there for a moment, and then send it down through your feet into the heart of the earth. Do this three times, connecting the heart of the solar system to your heart and the heart of Terra. Allow whatever shifts that need or want to happen to occur. Stand in that energy for a few minutes, feeling it, experiencing, allowing it.

This exercise should make all of this potential turmoil much more serene and empowering for you.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Ella Reid says:

    Tha k god. I knew something was weird. I have had off days. Waking up at 5am unsettled.
    Ill create thru it!

    Thanks thanks

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