40 Day Practice: Day 2 – Compassion

We embark on the second day of a 40 Day Practice, based on the energy of the Labyrinth (releasing – contemplation – receiving). If you have a local labyrinth, I invite you to walk the labyrinth with today’s theme as your focus. If you don’t have a local labyrinth, you can create your own, take a walk somewhere peaceful, or even sit in contemplation in your own home. I will be scheduling various public labyrinth appearances, and you are welcome to join me when and where you can, if you feel moved to do so.

Today’s theme is Compassion. Compassion is sometimes described as the balance between Mercy and Severity. How do you define compassion? How and when do you practice compassion? What does it feel like when you receive compassion? Do you recognize it when it happens?

Questions that might help you see what you can release: When do you reject using compassion and when do you reject receiving compassion? Are there people or instances that you feel are undeserving of compassion? Are you one of them? What gets in the way of your being more compassionate? What gets in the way of you allowing the compassion of others?

Suggestions for Contemplation: What does compassion on a global scale look like? Does compassion have a specific feeling or energy for you? Is there an animal you associate with compassion, and what is your view of or relationship with that animal? Is there someone you know personally that you perceive as compassionate? What characteristics would you use to define that? Is that something you can emulate? Is compassion an action or an emotion? If you were to receive supernatural help in order to be more compassionate, what would that be like? Can you create that on your own? What is Divine compassion to you?

Your mantra for receiving could be “I open myself to receive more compassion in my life” or “I open myself to receive the ability to be more compassionate.

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  1. ayamanatara says:

    Today’s labyrinth was at Malibu United Methodist Church, a simple pipe-and-sand, eleven-circuit labyrinth that turns in the direction to which I accustomed. I try, whenever possible, to walk the labyrinth in bare feet – it reminds me that it’s sacred space, and it helps keep me more present. The coarse grain sand made me go slowly and methodically. There is a school on the grounds, and the sound of children playing filled the air; parents were coming and going; there were two teens discussing dreams on the other side of a bush; and someone in a building close by was messing around with a piano.

    The releasing process became a very simple “allowing everyone, myself included, to have their own experience.”

    The center contemplation was inwardly quiet. I just observed what was going on for me.

    On the way out, the receiving process was interesting. From a rosebush, I got waves of joy. At one point, my father’s house (which is in the process of being sold, now that he has passed on) came to mind, and I had a wave of sadness. I did my best to allow the feelings to flow, without grasping at the them or pushing them away. I was reminded of the compassion I had already received today, and shown that the middle way for me (at least right now) is about not rehashing the past.

    Overall, there wasn’t much ‘thought’ today. It was more of an exercise in being.

    As a side note, the people in the office at MUMC are very nice, the temperature today was just warm enough to encourage me to take off my light cardigan, and the sea air was lovely. I look forward to walking this labyrinth again every Tuesday for the duration of this practice.

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