Through the Worm Hole

I’ve been talking about how we’re going through a shift right now that is, in some ways, even more intense than the one we had last December. Today, I got one of those “data dumps” of information about it. I will try to unpack it for you.

This is a mirror of the Winter Solstice shift. Please note that we are at Summer Solstice (at least, we are if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere). Everything is once again slowing to a crawl as all the energy is being squeezed together so we can go through another worm hole. Have you noticed how everything feels stuck, syrupy, frustrating? That’s why – we’re all being compressed.

It’s important to keep putting out effort and doing our best to keep things moving forward. Especially since, right on the heels of the Solstice, we’re going into Mercury Retrograde. I remind you that Mercury Retrograde is when everything slows down so that we can figure out how we got to this point, wrap up loose ends, and then look forward; we have to do things very consciously, or nothing works right.

What I’m saying is, don’t throw your hands up in disgust. It’s just going to make things harder on yourself in the long run.

Do practice self care. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, the right foods, staying away from toxins, exercising appropriately, drinking enough water. Focus on your foundations, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Make sure you’re doing a daily practice. Whenever you think about it, take a deep, full breath, both in and out; a lot of us are processing heart chakra issues right now, and breathing may not be our strong suit. There are enough fires going on, world-wide, that the air quality isn’t optimal in a lot of places, so I’m sure that’s contributing to any breathing issues, but keep breathing as deeply and consciously as possible.

When possible, opt for finding the humor in any given situation. That will keep your energy light, and you’ll have a better chance of floating on top of the muck. It may also keep you from sinking into depression or flying off the handle. Treat everything as the cosmic joke that it is. Don’t let your negative ego trick you into taking any of this too seriously, even if it feels like a survival issue. It’s really not. I promise. We’ll shift soon, and you’ll see.

I’m writing this out as much for me as for you. I need to see it, read it, hear it. It’s been one hell of a week.

The only way out is through. Excelsior!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Grasshopper says:

    I refuse to believe in hippie stuff…but damnit if it doesn’t make sense. Thank you…I wish we crossed paths more.

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